25 Ияра 5784 г., первый день недели, гл. Бамидбар

The misguided approaches for understanding the Jewish way of life

They focused on finding similar concepts in the way of life of other nations of the world. But this is fundamentally wrong...

22.11.2022 823 (0)
The misguided approaches for understanding the Jewish way of life
The misguided approaches for understanding the Jewish way of life

Throughout history in the jewish society emerged different approaches to the struggle for rights to self-identification and to the creation of its own political and social system. The political polemic around the question: „How should Israel live?“ is still relevant today.

The existing two approaches have been formed. The first one states that the Jewish nation is chosen by the Almighty and should act opposite from the political and social behavior of other peoples. The second approach is based on similarity with other nations, applying decisions with the obligatory concern to the opinion of other countries.

We can see how in recent years Israel's active policy in the Middle East region and its constant participation in international life have gradually confirmed the need to constantly defend its interests, despite the rejection by the other countries` governments.

The approaches that try to imply the political and social systems of worldwide nations proved in their practical implementation to be not suitable for the formation of an ideal Jewish society. XIX and XX century scholars and thinkers, who tried to relate the history of the Jewish nation to the development of societies in other countries only at a certain point in time, may not take into account the thousand-year history of the Jewish way of life. They focused on finding similar concepts in the way of life of other nations of the world. But this is fundamentally wrong...

To some extent, the current misguided views on this issue can be the legacy of the followers of liberal, humanist nationalism and their ideas. Current situation in Israel shows how painful such views can be: splashes of anti-Semitism, terrorist attacks in homeland, and false political decisions to give away the Israel territories, that are the eternal property of Jewish nation.

Surely the world continues to be run justly and wisely by the head of a generation, and the plan is implemented exactly as the Creator desires. Political leaders such as Zalman Shazar, Menachem Begin and Binyamin Netanyahu were guests of the Lubavitcher Rebbe Shlita King Moshiach and each of them contributed in their time to strengthening Israel's position in the region and on the international stage. But, most importantly, what modern Jewish politicians should pay attention to is the current need of the Jewish people to strengthen the Jewish way of life. The ever-increasing number of Rebbe King Moshiach's envoys around the world can serve as an example of this.

The life of the Jews in a single community does not imply the abolition of Jewish laws, which were the reason the Jewish people in exile in other countries overcame all the obstacles proudly. As the same historians write: “Basically the 'religious community' has been the center of Jewish existence for centuries. Therefore, the right to live in the homeland with their own laws also includes the legal prohibition against non-Jews living in the Holy Land, which the Almighty has decreed”.

Moreover we are witnessing nowadays the active participation of various political figures in the Jewish way of life, especially publicly supporting the activities of Rebbe King Moshiach on distribution of sources of Chasidism, caring about each Jew in any point of the planet, gathering all the territories of the land of Israel and all Jews on their eternal homeland.

Translated by D. Bilyayev From Ошибочности отождествления евреев народам мира Comments: 0

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