11 Ияра 5784 г., первый день недели, гл. Бэар

Letter to the King of Spain

Your government and country has played a keynote role in marking this historic event with appropriate celebrations that were emulated in many parts of the world.

02.04.2024 181 (0)
Letter to the King of Spain
King Juan Carlos Jllado / depositphotos

By the Grace of G-d
25th of Elul, 5746
Brooklyn N.Y.

To His Majesty
King Juan Carlos de Borbon y Borbon
Palace de la Zarzuela
Madrid, SPAIN

Greeting and Blessing:

It gives me much pleasure to acknowledge with sincere thanks receipt of your kind letter of the 18th of September, 1986.

I appreciate very much the honor and privilege Your Majesty and Her Majesty, Queen Sofia, accorded to my emissary, Rabbi Abraham Gluck and his wife, whom you graciously received in audience on Friday, the 8th of Elul (September 12, 1986).

While I am, of course, personally most gratified at Your Majesties' cordiality, I take It as a tribute to the world-wide Chabad-Lubavitch movement, which I have the honor to head.

I am gratified that my emissary had the opportunity of conveying to Your Majesties my warm felicitations, particularly in connection with the 850th anniversary of the great Teacher, Physician and Philosopher, Rabbi Moses ben Maimon, a native of Cordoba. Your government and country has played a keynote role in marking this historic event with appropriate celebrations that were emulated in many parts of the world. The event was particularly meaningful to Jewish communities of Sephardic (Spanish) ancestry in various parts of the world who still proudly maintain their Spanish-Jewish traditions and affinities.

As Rabbi Gluck reported to me in detail, he also noted the timeliness of the audience — taking place In the auspicious month of Elul. The Founder of the Chabad-Lubavitch movement, my ancestor, the Rebbe, Rabbi Schneur Zalman of Liadi, explains the significance of the month of Elul by his well known parable of the “King in the field." The month of Elul is the time when the King of Kings, the Creator and Master of the world, goes out, so to speak, into the field to greet, and be greeted by, His working subjects. At such a time the King is particularly gracious to all, and receives everyone's petitions. For this reason, the month of Elul is particularly auspicious as a preparation for Rosh Hashana, our New Year, the Day of Judgment for our Jewish people and for all mankind. For this reason we celebrate Rosh Hashana as the "Coronation Day" of the Creator as King of the Jewish people and King over all the earth.

With the approach of Rosh Hashana, therefore, when Jews all over the world pray to the Almighty for a truly good and peaceful year, for themselves as well as for all mankind, I take this pleasant opportunity to extend to Your Majesties and to all the Royal Family, as well as to all the inhabitants of Spain, prayerful wishes and the traditional blessing for a good and sweet year, both materially and spiritually.

With high esteem and most cordial greetings

M. Schneerson

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