25 Ияра 5784 г., первый день недели, гл. Бамидбар

Is Trump going to jail?

The scandal surrounding the accusation against the former president is growing.

01.04.2023 414 (0)
Is Trump going to jail?
Is Trump going to jail?

The world continues to “shake” as we are approaching Redemption, which will come in goodness and mercy.

The media in the U.S. are reporting about the serious charges brought against former U.S. President Trump. We are talking about more than 30 paragraphs of the indictment!

The text of the indictment is still classified. Only some details have “leaked” to the media. There is a possibility that the indictment appears to be fully political at its core.

Trump has already called it political persecution and an attempt to interfere in the election by Democrats seeking to discredit their opponent.

The scandal surrounding the accusation against the former president is growing. It’s not yet clear how the Republican Party will respond to all of this.

The former Vice President Mike Pence called the indictment a “scandal,” and Florida Governor Ron Desantis has already warned that he considers the circumstances of the indictment questionable, and therefore has no intention of cooperating with the New York State authorities who filed it and will not extradite Trump!

As we approach Redemption “Shocks” are also unfolding in other parts of the world.

Taiwan announced that nine Chinese fighter jets approached its territory “and conducted preliminary reconnaissance in preparation for a military clash.”

The confrontation between China on one side and Taiwan and the U.S. on the other has seriously escalated in recent months. In particular, the war in Ukraine appears to have convinced Chinese authorities that the West is not willing to defend non-NATO alliance countries by force.

Meanwhile, the Turkish parliament, as expected, voted in favor of admitting Finland to the NATO alliance. The secretary general of the alliance said that since all other countries other than Turkey had already given their consent before, Finland’s joining NATO would take place in the very next few days.

It is clear that this step, which increases the border between the NATO countries and Russia, will further complicate relations between the West and Moscow.

In Syria, pro-Iranian militant positions were once again attacked. Several targets in different areas were bombed. Moreover, it appears that Syrian anti-aircraft batteries were destroyed.

This attack could be considered extraordinary, both because of its scale and the fact that it followed just a day after the previous one.

According to information leaked to the media, five IRGC fighters were killed in the attack.

Iranian authorities have already officially acknowledged the death of an Iranian officer serving as an “advisor” during the attack and are threatening to respond.

Iran has lost hundreds of fighters and officers in Syria over the past few years. “Indeed, Your enemies, O L-rd indeed Your enemies shall perish!”

Translated by D. Bilyayev From Арестуют ли Трампа? Comments: 0

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