25 Ияра 5784 г., первый день недели, гл. Бамидбар

Iran and its “unique” computer purchased on Amazon

I have already written many times that the Iranian regime is a master of psychological warfare, intimidation, lies and manipulation.

12.06.2023 545 (0)
Iran and its “unique” computer purchased on Amazon
Iran and its “unique” computer purchased on Amazon

The Iranian regime reported proudly about a quantum computer of its own making. The only thing is that expertise reveals that we are talking about an ordinary computer, which can be purchased on the Amazon website...

Last week, Iranian military officials at the Iranian Navy University announced a new “quantum computing device” allegedly created in Iran, capable of performing quantum computing and thus providing a “breakthrough” in the field of quantum computing. The “new” device has been prominently displayed in numerous images. However, after a detailed investigation, it is easy to see that even this time we are talking about nothing more than the typical Iranian fraud and blatant deception.

Similarly, a few years ago the Iranian regime spectacularly unveiled the “stealth aircraft” it had developed, and a couple of weeks ago the “hypersonic” missile it allegedly created. This time, the experts easily identified the “advanced” Iranian computer as an ordinary computer available for purchase on Amazon for less than $600...

I have already written many times that the Iranian regime is a master of psychological warfare, intimidation, lies and manipulation. But in practice its technological level is very far from what can be found in Israel or the United States. That is why his “stealth plane” ended up being a fake, just like, apparently, his “quantum computer” purchased on Amazon. No doubt the same can be said of all the other boastful claims made by the Iranian regime about its supposedly “groundbreaking” weapons...

Иран и его «уникальный» компьютер
Иран и его «уникальный» компьютер

Here is a photo of their “advanced quantum computer” published by the regime. As it is said, “The truth will sprout from the ground” — we live in such a generation, and in such times, when the truth is revealed very quickly.

By the blessing of the Almighty, we see the lies of the Iranian regime exposed and revealed over and over again, allowing us to clearly realize that many of their threats are nothing more than an exaggerated so-called soap bubble.

Translated by D. Bilyayev From Иран и его «уникальный» компьютер, купленный на Амазоне Comments: 0

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