25 Ияра 5784 г., первый день недели, гл. Бамидбар

Global tensions are rising: US, Philippines, China, Africa and Poland

There is no doubt that provocations between the powers are still ongoing and even intensifying, and as the Sages told us, “If you see the kingdoms provoking one another, expect the coming of Moshiach.”

08.08.2023 423 (0)
Global tensions are rising: US, Philippines, China, Africa and Poland
Global tensions are rising: US, Philippines, China, Africa and Poland

The U.S. is deploying another 3,000 soldiers to the Middle East with two US Navy ships. These troops are assigned for deployment on ships traveling through the Persian Gulf in order to protect them from the threat of seizing by the Iranian regime. Thousands of U.S. troops are already deployed in the Red Sea region.

At the same time, tensions between the Philippines and China reached a high point after Chinese ships conducted maneuvers that endangered Philippine ships near the South China Sea and even used water cannons against the Filipinos. The US expressed support for the Philippines and warned China to immediately stop its provocations.

China and Russia sent a large joint naval force — 11 ships — to carry out maneuvers near the coast of Alaska. During these maneuvers, Chinese-Russian forces nearly crossed the U.S. maritime border. In response, four U.S. ships with “Poseidon” anti-ship aircraft carried out a series of deterrence actions against them. We are talking about unprecedented provocations in close proximity to U.S. territory.

In Africa, in Niger, a country that until recently had been an important ally of France, there was a military coup d’état. The new regime that has come to power has stated that it is prepared for a military confrontation with the French army in case of its invasion. Some African countries expressed their support to France in case of its military action against the new authorities of Niger and even issued an ultimatum to the Nigerian authorities (which, however, has already expired). Others, such as Burkina Faso and Mali, on the contrary, supported the Nigerian government, promising it military assistance in the event of a French invasion.

Poland continues to accumulate military forces on its border with Belarus, fearing an invasion of Russian-Belarusian units into their territory.

There is no doubt that provocations between the powers are still ongoing and even intensifying, and as the Sages told us, “If you see the kingdoms provoking one another, expect the coming of Moshiach.” The Lubavitcher Rebbe SHLITA King Moshiach mentions many times this sign of the coming Redemption and at the same time assures us that it will come in goodness and mercy.

Translated by D. Bilyayev From Нарастает напряженность в мире Comments: 0

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