25 Ияра 5784 г., первый день недели, гл. Бамидбар

Successful IDF anti-terrorist operation in Jericho

Tonight IDF forces carried out an investigation actions in the Arab village of Akabat Jaber near Jericho.

06.02.2023 513 (0)
Successful IDF anti-terrorist operation in Jericho
Successful IDF anti-terrorist operation in Jericho

Tonight IDF forces carried out an investigation actions in the Arab village of Akabat Jaber near Jericho. As the IDF forces were arresting the wanted criminals, they confronted armed resistance. The IDF soldiers opened fire back at the terrorists and neutralized seven of them. Among the eliminated terrorists there were two murderers who attempted to murder people in a cafe in the Vered, the Jewish village of Jericho, at Almog Junction in the Jordan Valley, about a week ago.

That terrorist attack was unsuccessful due to a miracle by the Almighty who caused their weapons to malfunction. They only fired one shot, and then ran away from the scene of their crime.

According to the IDF press service:

The aim of the counterterrorist operation was to arrest a Hamas terrorist group that executed an attack on a cafe in Vered Jericho on the 28th of January, 2023. On that day, two terrorists armed with automatic weapons, approached the entrance of the cafe, where around thirty people were inside at the time, and attempted to open fire on those civil people and commit a massacre. The mass murder was prevented due to the fact that the terrorists’ weapons stuck and they escaped in the direction of Jericho.

Joint investigation and gathering of the intelligence information by the General Security Service (Shabak) and Army Intelligence (AMAN) showed that the terrorists were hiding in a secret hideout in the village of Akabat Jaber near Jericho, getting help from their families and local residents and claiming their intention to continue their murders.

Last week, the General Security Service and the Israel Defense Forces carried out a joint operation to arrest the wanted terrorists. Since then, the attempts to track down the members of the terrorist group have continued.

In the process of the operation, an Israeli unit of the “Leviei ha-Bekaa” (“Lions of the Valley”) battalion detected an armed terrorist group. The bursts of fire erupted at this location. An Israeli unit using their countering fire neutralized the terrorists and eliminated the threat. Some of the eliminated terrorists were involved in the attack at Almog Junction. There were no casualties among our forces.

Translated by D. Bilyayev From Успешная контртеррористическая операция ЦАХАЛа в Йерихоне Comments: 0

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