25 Ияра 5784 г., первый день недели, гл. Бамидбар

It is necessary to increase public pressure on international organizations!

Who can any longer doubt that the PA government and militant groups, sponsored from abroad, are engaged in terrorist activities?

12.02.2023 425 (0)
It is necessary to increase public pressure on international organizations!
It is necessary to increase public pressure on international organizations!

The war unleashed by Russia against Ukraine has significantly activated the efforts of all the countries of the world for the protection of universal human values, the fight against anti-Semitism and terrorism, both at the domestic level and in the international arena.

Now is the most suitable moment for Israel, a moment that can not be wasted by any means. To give an example of how this can be used, is Russia's aggressive international policy towards the integrity of the territory of Ukraine and the lives and freedom of its citizens, which eventually transformed into an open military aggression with many civilian deaths. Even when their attempts launched at satisfying their sick gangster ambitions failed, the Russian president, the government and all its supporters did not stop their aggression, but instead decided to fight against the critical infrastructure that provides heat, light and other opportunities to the population of Ukraine out of anger and desire for revenge, since there is nothing they can do on the battlefield against the soldiers. At the same time, in the international arena, virtually all the countries of the world have united against Russia. According to Russian government experts who themselves say that only North Korea, Venezuela, Iran and the Palestinian Arabs remain allies of this country...

Recently it became known that Riyad al-Maliki, the PA foreign affairs official, received an invitation from Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov to visit Russia. And in connection with the terrorist attacks, political observer Itamar Eichner reported in the Yedioth Aharonot newspaper that the Israeli Foreign Ministry was outraged that Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov makes no difference between the victims of the terrorist attack in Jerusalem and the terrorists killed during the special operation in Jenin, also Lavrov avoided condemning the terrorist attack in his statements. And today, the Egyptian president joined the unfriendly statements against Israel.

No matter how difficult it may be to understand the complexity of the Arab-Israeli conflict and its specifics, it is still possible to understand the essence of it from the distant example of Ukraine. Israel has won the conflict and continues to maintain a high standard of living for its people, including the Arabs who have accepted Israeli citizenship. But the losing side, motivated by hatred and revenge, is trying to kill Israeli civilians over and over again.

Who can any longer doubt that the PA government and militant groups, sponsored from abroad, are engaged in terrorist activities?

Clearly, the terrorist attacks are not committed only on behalf of the murderers. Instead, they are the results of many years of brainwashing, training their population to behave aggressively against peaceful civilians. And no matter what you call them: security forces, protesters, freedom fighters. Such fighters are actually real murderers. The true reason for the hatred against all generations of the Jewish people is explained by RAMBAN in his commentary on the parsha"Ha’azinu“: “For all the evil they have done to us out of hatred against G-d. For they do not hate the Jews because they serve idols like they do, but for the fact that they behave differently than they do, they serve G-d and follow His commandments, they are not connected with them (with pagans) and do not participate in their orgies, they (jewish people) reject their idols, and they destroy them. Therefore, out of their hatred against G-d, they do all this evil to us...”

The absolute lies of the Arabs who live within the authentic Jewish territories and even have Israeli citizenship about their struggle against Zionism must no longer be accepted as an argument. Indeed, anyone with the slightest consideration would wonder: "How is that possible? If the murderer was fighting against the Zionist government, why did he kill a 6-year-old child, an elderly woman, a young yeshiva boy?"

The entire world community has now experienced the negative consequences of the policy of pacifying terrorists, the failure of territorial and economic compromises to murderers who commit terrorist acts, and has realized that only a firm attitude in these matters can resolve existing conflicts. Similarly, the necessity of establishing Israeli control over all territories and the unacceptability of the two-country approach are absolutely essential.

Nevertheless, the UN Middle East agency for Palestinian refugees and the EU do not want to see this. They have been criticized repeatedly by Israel demanding to stop supporting education in the West Bank territories, including East Jerusalem and the Gaza Strip because of the use of Palestinian anti-Semitic textbooks that encourage hatred and violence, glorify terrorism, and do not recognize Israel.

Let us hope that, with G-d's help, the counter-terrorism efforts of the present Israeli government, both internally and internationally, will be successful.

And let us not forget the most important thing of all. The Jewish people look forward to the revelation of the righteous Moshiach, who will sweep away all evil from the earth and bring the true and complete Redemption for all Jews.

Good week to us!

Translated by D. Bilyayev From О необходимости усиления давления на международные организации Comments: 0

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