25 Ияра 5784 г., первый день недели, гл. Бамидбар

The legitimacy of Israel’s security actions

In general, it is not necessary to wait for the world powers to fully support Israel’s actions, but at the same time it is necessary to act firmly and decisively to protect the interests of its own citizens, including those in the settlements...

16.02.2023 426 (0)
The legitimacy of Israel’s security actions
The legitimacy of Israel’s security actions

All of Israeli people and its friends express their condolences to the relatives of the victims of the horrible terrorist attacks. The tragic events of the terrorist attacks are pushing the government of Israel to take no-compromise tough measures to protect its citizens and their property, despite the opposition to these measures inside the country and in the international arena. Let us hope that the Prime Minister’s words of condolence to the mother of the two boys killed in the terrorist attack: “I would like your permission to post a photograph in my office. This tragic story will help me to explain to world leaders the difference between the people of Israel and our enemies. While our enemies were killing these two (children), our forces were in Turkey and saving lives,” these words will be implemented by the Israeli government in practice. And may the Almighty soon, please avenge the blood of innocent civilians who died in a horrible massacre!

Unfortunately, there are still some doubts in the current government about the need for specifically uncompromising actions of Israel to ensure the safety of its citizens and protect their property, and receive the international support for such actions by other states and organizations, including the UN. Indeed, this is clearly the most favorable situation for Israel in terms of opportunities for receiving support of its actions from the other states, and it should not be missed.

First of all, it should be stated that in today`s world some countries do not want to respect the universal human rights and principles. These countries only desire to increase the quantity of their prohibited weapons of mass destruction, terroristic activities and aggressive military actions against those whom they hate and see such actions as crucial methods of their policy. Such countries in the international arena include the North Korea, Iran, Russia, as well as other states that want to achieve their political ambitions through military aggression against other nations of the world. The terrorist groups sponsored by them on Jewish territory are engaged in killing civilians, raids, setting up military bases, drug trafficking, spreading hatred against other peoples, using civilians as their attackers, including the underage ones.

Indeed, the terrorists acting against Israel have actually become arrogant because they feel their impunity, since the international community qualifies murderers of Israeli civilians as freedom fighters. Only countries that benefit from presenting the terrorists as freedom fighters can question the fact that the PA government and foreign-sponsored militant groups are engaged in terrorist activities. They profit from following the two-state formula, pretending to be peacemakers, and ignoring the brutal murders of little Jewish children, young and old people. Their international policy aimed at pacifying terrorists is in fact financing terrorism, their policy of territorial concessions to terrorists means opportunities to establish new terrorist bases and train new terrorist militants, their two-state formula policy involves blocking Israeli actions to ensure the security of its own citizens. As a result, the terrorists behave more brutally and feel total impunity.

For these reasons, many Jewish politicians and public figures insist that, it is necessary to introduce the death penalty for terrorists. Similarly, the passing of legal reform would expand the government’s authority over key issues for the Jewish people as well as help to protect the interests of its own citizens more effectively. And the fact that on the international arena, some of the key international leaders: the US, France, Germany, Italy and Britain are opposed to the building of new settlements in Israel indicates the following. In general, it is not necessary to wait for the world powers to fully support Israel’s actions, but at the same time it is necessary to act firmly and decisively to protect the interests of its own citizens, including those in the settlements, and to tell and show the terrorist atrocities, so that all nations will understand that the murderers of the Jewish people are terrorists, not as they are represented by the governments of other states — as the fighters for freedom.

The Lubavitcher Rebbe SHLITA King Moshiach is firmly opposed to relying on the opinions of politicians and other states for the security of the people of Israel. He repeatedly insists that when it comes to the protection of its own citizens, one must rely only on the opinions of own experts in the military sphere who are currently holding their positions.

After all, the main true reason for hatred of all the generations of the Jewish people and murders of Jews is explained by RAMBAN in his commentary to parsha After all, the main true reason for hatred of all generations of the Jewish people and murders of Jews is shown by RAMBAN in his commentary to parsha “Ha’azinu”: “For all the evil they have done to us out of hatred against G-d. For they do not hate the Jews because they serve idols like they do, but for the fact that they behave differently than they do, they serve G-d and follow His commandments, they are not connected with them (with pagans) and do not participate in their orgies, they (jewish people) reject their idols, and they destroy them. Therefore, out of their hatred against G-d, they do all this evil to us...”

The absolute lies of the Arabs who live within the authentic Jewish territories and even have Israeli citizenship about their struggle against Zionism must no longer be accepted as an argument. Such fighters against the Zionist government kill a 6 year old child, an old woman, a young yeshiva boy, all Jews who come their way, just because Jews do not want to be pagans, barbarians and murderers.

Only few politicians have so far expressed clear support for Israel’s actions, whereas those who state things by their proper names are even less numerous. Former US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, for example, made a statement that the head of the Palestinian Authority, Mahmoud Abbas, is a “terrorist”. But this fact should not constrain the Israeli government’s actions to ensure the safety of its citizens.

Israel in fact owns weapons that its enemies do not have. Why are some politicians put in a coma, why are Israel’s enemies struck with instant punishment, why do some citizens remain unharmed, and others are killed in a terrorist attack? All these things happen in front of our eyes and we sometimes cannot fully realize that our lives are completely in the hands of G-d. He has control over everything. The weapons that Jews own are the study of the Torah and the fulfillment of the commandments. Let us give Him even more reason to be delighted with our activities, that every day of our lives is not wasted! Especially if you are a Jewish man or a Jewish woman — your actions in adding Torah study and keeping the commandments and spreading this to other Jews, give protection and merit to the entire Jewish people, since every Jew is responsible for other Jews!

May the Lubavitcher Rebbe SHLITA King Moshiach be revealed as soon as possible right now with the coming of the true and full Redemption in goodness and mercy!

Translated by D. Bilyayev From Правомочность действий Израиля по обеспечению безопасности Comments: 0

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