25 Ияра 5784 г., первый день недели, гл. Бамидбар

Cutting off the main traffic arteries: strategic strike or act of aggression?

The town of Huwara has been a target for terrorists for many years, since it is one of the only routes by which Israelis can reach the settlements in the northern West Bank.

28.02.2023 537 (0)
Cutting off the main traffic arteries: strategic strike or act of aggression?
Cutting off the main traffic arteries: strategic strike or act of aggression?

Actions to protect and secure the Jewish population in all corners of the country, which have been initiated and partly implemented by the present Israeli government, may soon, unfortunately, collapse, as it is written in the article by R. Avishai Yifargon. The government has announced plans to expand Israeli sovereignty over Judea and Samaria, moving away from a policy of restrictions that hold back the actions of peaceful settlers. Similar actions were planned for settlements in the Jordan Valley. Finally, there were statements by politicians about the Greater Jerusalem Plan, which aimed to link the city with its neighborhood surroundings, as well as a government plan to give more sovereignty to the area between Hadera and Gadera, the most densely populated area of Israel.


The town of Huwara has been a target for terrorists for many years, since it is one of the only routes by which Israelis can reach the settlements in the northern West Bank. However, the desire of the Arabs to block the main traffic arteries and to cut off Jewish access to roads has made this road a very dangerous one.

Despite the existence of plans to build a bypass road near Huwara for settlers to avoid passing through the city, construction has stalled, and Jewish civilians have suffered from the gunfire of terrorist gangs in that location regularly. Meanwhile, just a couple of months ago, the human rights organization Rehavim uncovered horrifying data: 81,317 illegal Arab structures in Area C, parts of Judea and Samaria, which were intentionally constructed as a barriers against Jewish movement.


In order to guarantee the safety of Jewish travelers a bypass road was planned to be built behind the Huwara, but its path was blocked by illegal buildings constructed by Arabs who did not have any building permits. This circumstance resulted in the project being stalled, while international pressure towards further illegal construction by the Arabs increased enormously. But Israel must take action and demolish these illegal Arab constructions in order to ensure the safety and freedom of movement for all.

According to international experts, it is clear that PA bosses are pursuing an offensive policy that encourages Arabs to claim new Jewish territories where the Jewish population originally existed and where the Jewish settlements are greatly expanding and growing each day.

Meanwhile, the Arabs who live in these villages feel that they will not face severe punishment under current Israeli law, so they don’t hesitate to take part in terrorist activities against Jewish civilians. They say that they have no obedience to the local Arab authorities and that they want to be fighters for terrorist organizations.

It is therefore impossible to fully ensure the safety and protection of Jewish lives without urgent preventive actions by Israeli forces under the command of the present government: the implementation of the death penalty law, preventive counter-terrorism actions in the most dangerous areas, preventive investigations, seizing the property of terrorist supporters and prosecuting them and defending the safety of civilians in the legal field in order to affect the government policy. And freezing such actions gives power to terrorist organizations and their supporters inside Israel and around the world.

However, everyone who is connected to the Lubavitcher Rebbe SHLITA King Moshiach should not worry. He informs all Jews that “The Land of Israel is the safest place in the world and that no one should leave it,” and it is also possible to address him through Igrot Kodesh if any difficulties arise.

Translated by D. Bilyayev From Перекрытие основных транспортных артерий: стратегический удар или акт агрессии? Comments: 0

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