25 Ияра 5784 г., первый день недели, гл. Бамидбар

Our goal is to crush Hamas!

It is not acceptable that our precious fighters, who are performing their holy duty, should be sent to sweep house after house, endangering their lives.

08.10.2023 417 (0)
Our goal is to crush Hamas!
The Gaza Strip Anas-Mohammed / shutterstock

The demand from the society, our demand from the government and from the IDF is clear: the goal of the current war must be nothing less than the crushing of Hamas and its military capabilities. This can only be achieved by a massive ground operation inside the Gaza Strip, after preliminary devastating artillery attacks and airstrikes.

By no means should we endanger our soldiers for the sake of saving the lives of those residents of the Strip who will not flee the war zone themselves.

The Lubavitcher Rebbe SHLITA King Moshiach teaches us: “According to the Torah it is permitted to demand that the civilians of the enemy side leave any place where the enemies are stationed, and if they do not do so — they themselves bear full responsibility for the consequences.”

It is not acceptable that our precious fighters, who are performing their holy duty, should be sent to sweep house after house, endangering their lives. Their passage should be preceded by heavy fire on all targets where terrorists may be hiding, which includes blasting with artillery any hideout or house that arouses suspicion.

Is our military, burdened from all sides by military lawyers and crushed by “progressivist values” (remember Benny Gantz, who proudly boasted that he put his soldiers' lives at risk to avoid harming the enemy population) ready for such a scenario? Sadly...

Meanwhile, opposition leaders are already making their way into the government, demanding that right-wing party leaders Smotrich and Ben-Gvir should be removed. If that happens, the new government would be even more unprepared for a tough response against Hamas.

Note that so far there has been no announcement of total mobilization, which is obviously necessary in a real war on all fronts (the northern border is also starting to heat up). Not a word has been said yet about a ground operation in the Gaza Strip, even a limited one, and definitely not about the complete liberation of the entire area.

A ten-kilometer strip in the north of the Strip returned to Israeli sovereignty and a five-kilometer "dead zone" around the perimeter of the Strip that remains to them — this is the minimum that should now be provided for our security. But I am afraid we will never see this obvious solution.

Good tidings to us!

Translated by D. Bilyayev From Наша цель — сокрушить ХАМАС! Comments: 0

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