25 Ияра 5784 г., первый день недели, гл. Бамидбар

Extraordinary elimination of a high-ranking leader of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps

Mousavi’s elimination is a severe hit on Hizbullah, because this super-terrorist was directly responsible for all large-scale Iranian aid to the Lebanese terrorist group.

26.12.2023 410 (0)
Extraordinary elimination of a high-ranking leader of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps
Extraordinary elimination of a high-ranking leader of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps

The Iranian and Syrian regimes have accused Israel of eliminating IRGC Brig. Gen. Reza Mousavi, also known by his nickname Sayyid Reza. Mousavi was one of the most senior Iranian officers who was eliminated following the elimination of IRGC General Qassem Suleimani, commander of al-Quds Force, four years ago.

Mousavi belonged to one of the most influential and important figures in the pro-Iranian proxy militia structure. During the days prior to his liquidation, the process of his coordination of meetings in Iraq, Syria, and Lebanon was at its peak.

It is possible to make an assumption that Mousavi was directly and actively involved in the preparation for military and terrorist actions against Israel, as well as in the coordination of the ongoing warfare, on multiple fronts, including Iraq. It is worth noting that in recent days an unmanned aerial vehicle was launched from Iraq towards Israel, which was eventually shot down by the Jordanian army.

Together with Mousavi, may G-d erase the name of the evil one from the memory, two other Iranian advisers were eliminated. Several other officers and other members of his entourage were wounded. As it is said: “So may Perish all Your enemies, O L-rd!”

Recall that a few months ago, the head of Mossad openly warned high-ranking Iranian officials, stating that Israel, in order to protect itself, would act directly against them.

Mousavi’s elimination is a severe hit on Hizbullah, because this super-terrorist was directly responsible for all large-scale Iranian aid to the Lebanese terrorist group.

Therefore, the current liquidation was a direct and formidable signal to the Iranian regime and Hizbullah, showing that Israel is capable of destroying even the most senior Iranian officials, and therefore they should be more cautious and seek to avoid worsening the situation.

After the elimination, Hizbullah published a message that stated, “Sheikh Saeed Raadi al-Moussawi was one of our top brothers who supported the Islamic resistance in Lebanon for decades, he was also a comrade in arms and path of the leader of the saint martyrs Lieutenant General Hajj Qassem Suleimani.”

This is true, the eliminated terrorist was indeed very close to Qassem Suleimani.

An additional indication of the importance of the liquidation carried out was also the fact that this was mentioned directly by the Iranian president himself, who threatened Israel with retaliation.

Will this elimination lead to direct engagement of the Iranian regime in the war?

In my opinion no.

Despite threats, the Iranian regime is currently not interested in its own participation in the war. In fact, it always prefers to send its Arab proxies to war, such as the Houthis and Shiite militias, rather than Iranian soldiers.

One way or another, the elimination certainly increases tensions in the north. There is no doubt that the IDF is prepared for a scenario in which it will, with the help of G-d, may His Name be blessed, need to strike a powerful blow in the north, neutralizing a possible direct threat to our security. As it is said, “Behold the Guardian of Israel will neither slumber nor sleep”!

Thank G-d, we are finally seeing decisive and effective actions by the government of Israel, delivering strikes right at the “head of the snake.” There is no doubt that this kind of decisive and effective actions by Israel are the ones that would be most effective in deterring our enemies. This is precisely the right way to confront brutal enemies. As it is said, “He who comes to kill you, kill him first.”

Good news to us!

Translated by D. Bilyayev From В Сирии уничтожен главарь КСИР Реза Мусави Comments: 0

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