25 Ияра 5784 г., первый день недели, гл. Бамидбар

The world is changing to a brighter place

Could anyone have even imagined them just a few years ago? And now these agreements have become an integral part of our lives.

19.12.2022 389 (0)
The world is changing to a brighter place
The world is changing to a brighter place

World events, especially in recent years, actually reveal to us an increasing clarity of how our world is changing. For instance, the “Abraham Accords” — Israel’s peace agreements with Sudan, Bahrain, the United Arab Emirates and Morocco.

Could anyone have even imagined them just a few years ago? And now these agreements have become an integral part of our lives. Many Israelis have already visited the Arab Emirates, and this week it was announced that the first kosher supermarket would open there... In the same way, more and more Israelis visit Morocco, where they are greeted by the authorities and the people.

Recently Gabi Portnoy, Director-General at Israel National Cyber Directorate, revealed the information about the last week`s meeting with his colleagues from Bahrain, the United Arab Emirates and Morocco, which took place in Bahrain. The purpose of the meeting was to create a “regional iron dome” in cyberspace.

Otherwise, the aim was to create a common defense system capable of countering cyber-attacks and preventing damage in this area. The participants of this unprecedented meeting, which would have seemed fantastic just a few years ago, discussed ways, means and systems within which such cooperation is possible, including the joint training of cybersecurity specialists.

Who would have thought before that the Israelis would be able to discuss such issues with representatives of several, previously enemy countries, share with them some of their most sensitive security information, and create a joint defense system to prevent the threat from outside?

In one of his speeches (19 Kislev 5752 [1992]), the Lubavitcher Rebbe said that we are living in the days of Moshiach, and therefore we only need to “open our eyes” and we will immediately realize the Redemption process taking place around us

In my own experience, it is quite obvious that the miracles of the Almighty are revealed to us, and that they reflect the fundamental changes that are taking place in the Arab world.

Moreover, as we know from information recently published by the Ministry of Defense, there has been to some extent an ongoing collaboration between Israel and the Persian Gulf countries in the development of joint air defense, aimed at protecting against Iranian aggression.

In former days the entire Arab world, with no exception, saw Israel as no more than a “problem” and was ready to go to war against Israel. Today, practically the entire Arab world sees Israel as the “solution” and wants Israel to remain strong and be able to defend stability in the region!

The Arab world needs protection — from a fanatical Iranian regime, from terrorists like ISIS, al-Qaeda and others. Moreover, the Arab world is also interested in Israel’s help in agriculture, water supply and desalination, internal security, and, of course, in various fields of high tech.

Meanwhile, in countries that are hostile to Israel, such as Syria, the people of those countries themselves have been rebelling against the regimes that oppress them and are interested in a change of power.

The same thing is happening in Iran, where there are continuing mass demonstrations by its inhabitants seeking to overthrow an extremist tyranny that is ruthlessly massacring their own citizens.

After years in which Iran, despite its evil regime, has remained a member of various UN committees as if nothing had happened, the situation finally began to change a few days ago. Iran has been expelled from the UN Committee on the Status of Women. In the context of the brutal oppression of civil protests, as well as supplying Russia with large quantities of weapons, meaning actual involvement in the bombing of civilian targets in Ukraine, the long-awaited revisions by international institutions towards the Iranian regime finally began to take place.

The U.S. proposed to remove Iran from the aforementioned committee, and in yesterday’s vote, 29 countries gave their affirmative votes, while 16 abstained and only eight voted against. The exclusion of Iran came into force immediately.

For years, the U.N. avoided such steps because of the position of most Muslim countries, due to energy concerns (Iran is a leading supplier of oil and gas), as well as because of the protection of the Iranian regime by Russian and Chinese authorities, and finally because of the cowardice of European leaders who feared confrontation with the Iranian regime and, later, terrorism in European countries.

Now, with the brutal suppression of civil protests, the savagery of the Iranian regime has become so obvious that it is impossible to hide or ignore it any longer. Moreover, the use of Iranian weapons in Europe (in the war in Ukraine) is forcing Europeans to act more and more decisively against Iranian extremists.

With G-d’s help, all of this will continue and intensify as part of the larger process of the downfall of the Iranian regime. We just need to “open our eyes” and realize that the Redemption is already here!

Translated by D. Bilyayev From Наш мир меняется в лучшую сторону Comments: 0

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