25 Ияра 5784 г., первый день недели, гл. Бамидбар

The Lebanese pound continues to drop catastrophically

1 Lebanese pound equals 0.00024 Israeli shekels!

28.02.2023 588 (0)
The Lebanese pound continues to drop catastrophically
The Lebanese pound continues to drop catastrophically

The Lebanese pound continues to fall at an incredible rate. Last week the exchange rate was 80,000 pounds to the dollar, and this week it has already fallen to 85,000 pounds to the dollar! 1 Lebanese pound equals 0.00024 Israeli shekels!

This collapse is part of the economic downfall of Lebanon, which has long declared itself “bankrupt,” and more generally, part of the collapse of the Arab world, which has been disintegrating within itself for over a decade, soaking up many revolutions and internal wars, and collapsing economically.

And those who want prosperity are hurrying to make peace with Israel — countries like Morocco and Sudan, and the Gulf countries, who are now very much aware that peace with Israel is of great benefit and blessing to them.

The fall of Ishmael (Arab and Islamic countries) is one of the clear signs of the Redemption, as told by the prophets and in the holy book of the Zohar.

Have a good news!

Translated by D. Bilyayev From Ливанский фунт продолжает катастрофически падать Comments: 0

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